Monday, September 19, 2011

Quick Birthday Eye look

Yeah, I practice what I preach. :-) As proof, here is a easy eye look I wore to go out to my fancy birthday dinner with the hubs. I used the Balm's The Balm and the Beautiful palette and a few other items that I've previously reviewed.

No flash
It's just "The Supermodel" over the entire lid (with Too Faced Shadow Insurance as a primer underneath, of course) then a bit of "The Bad Boy" in the outer corner and into the crease. That's it! It's an easy natural eye that I thought would compliment the gold jewelry I was wearing that night with my black dress. The eyeliner on top and in the waterline is that Stila waterproof Smudge Stick I reviewed earlier. And on my face is my BB Cream. Mascara is none other than my beloved Cover Girl. 
Easy peasy!

Closed eye with flash.

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